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Table 3 Summary of themes of potential facilitators, barriers and strategies for engagement for the oldest old, older people from BME groups and older people living in deprived areas

From: Strategies to improve engagement of ‘hard to reach’ older people in research on health promotion: a systematic review

Oldest old


Potential facilitators

Potential barriers

Strategies for engagement

 • family involvement (e.g. engaging with family carers)

 • flexible assessment (length and time of sessions)

 • trust

 • poor health

 • tiredness

 • unwillingness to engage in research on health promotion

 • lack of motivation

 • lack of support from family members

 • inaccessibility (lack of transport to research site, lack of facilities for in-home sessions)

 • recruitment via primary care by known and trusted professionals

 • respectful and empathic approach

 • shorter visits over several months

 • ongoing face-to-face and written contact

 • home visits

 • check participants status with their GP

Older people from BME groups


Potential facilitators

Potential barriers

Strategies for engagement

 • cultural and ethnic aspects e.g. connections to the targeted community and matching participants and researchers by ethnicity

 • trust

 • personal benefits and benefits to participant’s family

 • social support from family, friends, staff and peers

 • having other priorities

 • lack of transportation

 • costs

 • poor health

 • lack of motivation

 • cultural and language barriers

 • lack of confidence

 • lack of knowledge

 • familiar location

 • word-of-mouth

 • information easy-to-read (bullet point format, photo of research team

 • introductory meetings

 • providing transportation

 • monetary incentives

 • friendly competitions

Older people in deprived areas


Potential facilitators

Potential barriers

Strategies for engagement

 • encouragement by others

 • personal interest in participating

 • complimentary refreshments

 • poor health

 • inaccessibility

 • costs

 • lack of interest

 • offering adaptable approach according to participants’ needs

 • social relationships between participants and researchers to create comfortable environment

 • face-to-face contact