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Table 2 Participant Demographics

From: Views of Somali women and men on the use of faith-based messages promoting breast and cervical cancer screening for Somali women: a focus-group study


Female Focus groups (N = 34)

Male Focus groups (N = 20)

Work status

 Full time

12% (4)

60% (12)

 Part time

20% (7)

10% (2)

 Did not work outside the home

53% (18)

25% (5)


15% (5)

5% (1)



32% (11)

15% (3)

 Middle or high school

50% (17)

50% (10)


18% (6)

35% (7)

Duration of residence in US (y)

  ≤ 5

12% (4)

25% (5)


38% (13)

5% (1)

  > 10

44% (15)

70% (14)

 Not answered

6% (2)


Age (y)


11.7% (4)

10% (2)


29.4% (10)

55% (11)


11.7% (4)

10% (2)


17.6% (6)

0% (0)

 60 or older

29.4% (10)

25% (5)