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Table 4 Social cohesion quotes. Quotes illustrating our findings regarding local health-endangering settings and practices (primarily social cohesion related) and the local consultants’ related ethnically framed reasoning

From: Health-endangering everyday settings and practices in a rural segregated Roma settlement in Slovakia: A descriptive summary from an exploratory longitudinal case study


Exposure elements

‘Yes, their house is cleaner [referring to a low social level household from a different fajta in comparison to her own brother’s low social level household], that’s true. But you can see it yourself, they’re just so stupid… they will always be the lowest ones. I’d definitely rather eat in my filthy brother’s house, at the Italian’s [a nick-name], than at the Ds!’ D., woman, 31, medium social level [Jul 2005]

Bonding social capital; social norms

‘Now if I had a kid, anyone from up there [referring to more affluent people within the settlement] would help me to get it to the hospital, you know that. […] Around here, I only know X [reviewing non-Roma acquaintances]; this guy living in his parents’ house on his own. Sometimes, I’d go visit him and we’d drink together. He was in jail, too, you know.’ J., man, 37, low social level [Sep 2005]

Bonding social capital; social norms; linking and bridging social capital; welfare safety net

‘You know, if you want to understand what Gypsy means, you should really talk rather with people like J. [a low social level man living in a reclaimed wagon] or P. and his wife [a medium social level related family living in a self-made hut] – they are proper Gypsies. You have to take care the gadje [non-Roma] way if you want a kitchen like this, if you want a washing-machine like this.’ M., woman, 34, high social level [Aug 2008]

Bonding social capital; Linking social capital; SEP; amenities

‘I don't understand how you non-Roma can let your little children be treated in schools the way they are being treated there. Strangers yelling at them… all the boring stuff… and you have to sit there and sit silently forever. Roma kids are unable to go through that… your kids are different.’ M., woman, 36, high social level [Mar 2010]

Bonding social capital; linking social capital

‘[If their kids would grow-up at A.B.’s mother’s house], it would still be the same for them, I think. Maybe some small things would change… for some time… but most of it would be the same. It’s in our blood! You know how they say’Gypsy blood’ – you cannot change that, no matter what. […] Our life is so much better, more colourful.’ L., woman, 43, high social level [Sep 2014]

Bonding social capital; social norms; linking social capital

  1. In the adjacent column we list the exposure elements discussed