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Table 1 Themes from stakeholder consultations on infrastructure, processes, and mechanisms that will facilitate positive modifications to the built environment

From: Identifying mechanisms for facilitating knowledge to action strategies targeting the built environment


Knowledge to Action Cycle

Policy informed and actionable research

 • Health economic evaluations for estimating costs, benefits and impacts

 • Evaluation of natural policy experiments locally and abroad

 • Examine effects among priority populations (what works for whom and under what context)

Knowledge Generation

Targeted and Impactful Messaging

 • Build multimedia strategy to communicate evidence across sectors

 • Tailor the message for different audiences (politicians vs. public)

 • Powerful messaging through infographics, maps, fact sheet

Knowledge Translation

Common Measures and Tools

 • Make user-friendly data on the built environment available for policymakers and planners

Knowledge Generation

 • Improve co-ordination & alignment of methods for measuring the built environment

Knowledge Translation

 • Develop and implement standardized metrics and performance measures to enhance capacity for ongoing monitoring, reporting, and surveillance


Intersectoral collaboration and alignment within and between levels of Government

 • Align agendas and find common goals

 • Identify political “Champions”

 • Seek financial support for cross-sectoral interventions and evaluations

 • Develop mechanisms for cross-sectoral performance measurement (benefits and impacts)


Importance of Public and Private Sector Advocacy

 • Seek support from NGOs and private industries

 • Identify community ‘Champions’ and ‘Brokers’

 • Roll out social marketing campaigns

 • Develop mechanisms to coordinate advocacy efforts of different groups


Solution-focused implementation

 • Account for political context in all activities (identify important policy milestones and “critical windows” for policy change

 • Support local initiatives through provincial legislation

 • Create tools to evaluate interventions for effectiveness & impact
