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Table 2 Multiple regression analysis of risk factors associated with HCV exposure in homeless men in Central Brazil

From: Exposure to hepatitis C virus in homeless men in Central Brazil: a cross-sectional study

Risk factors

Adjusteda PRb (95.0% CI)c


Age (years)

1.07 (1.01–1.12)


Absence of family life

4.45 (1.39–14.3)


Injection drug use

19.2 (6.01–61.3)


Blood transfusion history

0.91 (0.19–4.37)


Number of sexual partners

1.07 (1.04–1.11)


STI history

3.34 (1.14–9.75)


  1. aAdjusted for age, family life, blood transfusion history, injection drug use, number of sexual partners in the last year and STI history; bPrevalence ratio; c95% confidence interval; R2: 0.367