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Table 3 Coding criteria for General practice Electronic Health Record [EHR] database searches

From: Study Protocol: The Norfolk Diabetes Prevention Study [NDPS]: a 46 month multi - centre, randomised, controlled parallel group trial of a lifestyle intervention [with or without additional support from lay lifestyle mentors with Type 2 diabetes] to prevent transition to Type 2 diabetes in high risk groups with non - diabetic hyperglycaemia, or impaired fasting glucose

Search criteria

Coded criteria for EHR

Search 1

Age ≥50 years and ≤80 years and a BMI ≥30 kg/m2


Age ≥50 years and ≤80 years and a weight [men] ≥93 kg & weight [women] ≥78 kg [if no height recorded]

Search 2

Age ≥50 years and ≤80 years and a BMI of ≥25 kg/m2 with at least one or more of the following:

Parent, sibling or child with T2DM

Personal history of coronary disease

Previous history of gestational diabetes

Known history of non-diabetes hyperglycaemia


Age ≥50 years and ≤80 years and a weight [men] ≥77 kg & weight [women] ≥65 kg with least one or more of the following:

Parent, sibling or child with T2DM

Personal history of coronary disease

Previous history of gestational diabetes

Known history of non-diabetes hyperglycaemia

Search 3

Age ≥40 years with one of the following

Known impaired fasting glucose [IFG] or impaired glucose tolerance [IGT]

Fasting glucose range of ≥6.1–≤6.9 mmol/l

Search 4

Age ≥40 years with one of the following

Fasting glucose range of ≥5.6–≤6.0 mmol/l inclusive

HbA1c range of ≥42–47 mmol/mol inclusive

  1. aIn the case of no BMI record, these body weights (kg) would give a BMI > 25kg/m2 or > 30kg/m2 based on an assumed UK national average height (m)