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Table 3 Predictor measures where regular dog walking was defined as daily walking at a moderate or higher intensity

From: Understanding action control of daily walking behavior among dog owners: a community survey



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1) I engage in dog walking automatically

2) I engage in dog walking without having to consciously remember it

3) I engage in dog walking without consciously thinking about it

Gardner et al. [39]; Verplanken & Orbell, [52]

α = .93

Behavioral Regulation

1) I made detailed plans regarding what to do if something interfered with my plans to engage in dog walking over the past week

2) I reserved time in my daily schedule for regular dog walking over the past week

3) I made plans concerning “when”, “where”, “what” and “how” I was going to engage in regular dog walking over the past week

Sniehotta et al. [38]

α = .76


1) I consider myself someone who is physically active with my dog

2) When I describe myself to others, I usually include being physically active with my dog

3) Others see me as someone who walks my dog regularly

Anderson & Cychosz, [53]; Wilson and Muon [40]

α = .87

Affective Judgments

1) I walk my dog because it is fun

2) I enjoy my dog walking sessions

3) I find dog walking a pleasurable activity

4) I get pleasure and satisfaction from engaging in dog walking

Markland and Tobin [35]

α = .92

Perceived Capability

1) I am physically able to walk my dog regularly if I wanted to

Rhodes et al. [36]; Williams & Rhodes [37]


Perceived Opportunity

1) I have the opportunity to walk my dog regularlyif I wanted to

Rhodes et al. [36]


Dog Outcome Expectation

1) Regular dog walking would help keep my dog healthy

Cutt et al [34]


Human Outcome Expectations

1) Regular dog walking would help me to maintain or lose weight

2) Regular dog walking would allow me to get to know my neighbourhood

Cutt et al [34]

α = .69


Over the next week, I intend to walk the dog ___________ days per week.

Courneya [33]