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Table 1 Definitions of outcomes of interest measured

From: Type and extent of trans-disciplinary co-operation to improve food security, health and household environment in low and middle income countries: systematic review

Outcome categories

Outcomes of interest measured

Food production

Year round of food production, production of vitamin A- rich fruits and vegetables, poultry stock and egg production, fish production, access to goat milk and other home grown foods

Food consumption

Household food security level/score, Dietary Diversity Score (DDS), consumption of food/food groups per day

Nutrient intake

Micro- and macro-nutrient intake levels


Prevalence of Stunting [Weight for age Z-score (WAZ)], Wasting [height for age Z-score (HAZ)], underweight, child growth, height and weight gain

Nutrient deficiencies

Vitamin A deficiency level, Incidence/prevalence of anaemia, serum retinol concentration, serum ferritin level, haemoglobin, night blindness

Air quality

Kitchen/household/personal exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) and/or concentration of fine particulate matter of diameter < 2.5 μm (PM2.5), kitchen smoke, suspended particulate matter (PM) concentration, nitrogen dioxide concentration, ratio of food to fuel


Incidence and/or prevalence of: Diarrhoeal disease; morbidity; respiratory disease symptoms (cough, runny nose, breathlessness, incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), pneumonia); eye irritation/infection, headache. Changes in: lung function performance; cognitive performance and attention levels; quality of life

Microbial Contamination

Thermo tolerant coliforms (TCC) count, level of E.coli contamination

Hygiene and sanitation

Kitchen and hand hygiene, behaviour and knowledge of water storage, self-reported compliance


Perception and knowledge of health and nutrition