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Table 2 Example messages for the Turkish/Moroccan target group (comparing the traditional tailoring intervention and the EI-tailoring intervention, and the EI categories)

From: Development of a computer-tailored nutrition and physical activity intervention for lower-educated women of Dutch, Turkish and Moroccan origin using content matching and ethnic identity tailoring


Traditional tailoring intervention




Strong T/M EI

Medium T/M EI

Weak T/M EI

Arguments for eating more fruit (why it is good to eat more fruit)

You do not think that eating fruit is healthy. But research shows that eating fruit is very good for your health […].

You do not think that eating fruit is healthy. But research shows that eating fruit is very good for your health […]. Looking after your health is also important in the Islamic faith.

You do not think that eating fruit is healthy. But research shows that eating fruit is very good for your health […]. Health is important in the Turkish/Moroccan and Dutch culture.

You do not think that eating fruit is healthy. But research shows that eating fruit is very good for your health […]. Health is important in the Dutch culture, but also in the Turkish/Moroccan culture.

How to deal with difficult situations

You find it difficult to eat fewer snacks when someone offers you a snack. […] Maybe you find it difficult or impolite to say ‘no’. But it is not impolite to say ‘no’ if you say that you want to consider your health and that you want to eat fewer snacks.

You find it difficult to eat fewer snacks when someone offers you a snack. […] In Turkey/Morocco it is common to offer food to visitors. It is then impolite to refuse. But maybe people will understand when you say that you want to consider your health and that you want to eat fewer snacks. […]

You find it difficult to eat fewer snacks when someone offers you a snack. […] In the Turkish/Moroccan and Dutch culture it is common to offer food to visitors. Maybe you find it impolite to refuse. But maybe people will understand when you say that you want to consider your health and that you want to eat fewer snacks. […]

You find it difficult to eat fewer snacks when someone offers you a snack. […] In the Turkish/Moroccan and Dutch culture it is common to offer food to visitors. Maybe you find it impolite to refuse. But maybe people will understand when you say that you want to consider your health and that you want to eat fewer snacks. […]

  1. T Turkish, M Moroccan, EI ethnic identity