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Table 2 Awareness of avian influenza disease and its route of transmission before and after intervention, Rajshahi and Chittagong villages, Bangladesh, 2009

From: Understanding the failure of a behavior change intervention to reduce risk behaviors for avian influenza transmission among backyard poultry raisers in rural Bangladesh: a focused ethnography

Topics [Intervention messages]

Interviews before intervention (Na = 42)

Interviews after intervention (N* = 36)


Number of interviews with responses



Number of interviews with responses


Heard/knew about bird flu disease [Bird flu is a poultry disease]

- A disease of broiler/farm poultry, not of backyard poultry

- Many poultry died/killed by government

- Conspiracy of foreign country

- A disease of chickens, not ducks

- A birds’ disease caused from flu/cold

- A foreign disease/did not occur in our village/country



- A disease of poultry/chicken/backyard chicken, which can also infect humans

- A hazardous infectious virus of chickens which can also infect humans



Signs in poultry [Poultry die very quickly in this disease. They get drowsy, and the wattle and comb become blackish blue. Wattle, comb, head and body swells with water. They get blood spots in legs.]

- Sudden death

- Fever

- Gizzard melts and chickens die in 24 h



- Blue/blackish wattle/comb

- Blood/black spots in leg

- Drowsiness/sit quiet

- Swollen body

- Fever

- Liquid defecation

- Stop eating

- Secret saliva

- Cold/coughing



Can transmit from poultry to poultry [Bird flu can spread from one poultry to another]







Route of transmission from poultry to poultry [Keeping healthy and sick poultry in the same place; giving food in the same plate; pecking on feces of sick poultry; from saliva, feces, blood, offal, skin, feathers of sick or poultry died of disease]

- Migratory bird



- If kept in same place with sick poultry

- Eating from same pot with sick poultry

- Scavenging in the feces of sick poultry

- Contact with saliva/feces/blood/offal/skin/feathers of sick/dead poultry

- Through breathing or air



Can transmit from poultry to humans [Bird flu can also spread from poultry to human]







Route of transmission from poultry to humans [While carrying poultry to the market for selling; while feeding or giving medicine; while slaughtering; while defeathering; if people put their hands in their nose, mouth or eyes without washing after handling sick poultry or poultry that died from disease. The germ of this disease can go inside the windpipe and lungs with breathing through nose]

- Through consuming bird flu infected poultry/egg

- Children’s touching chicken



- Through breathing or air

- Through consuming sick poultry

- While slaughtering/defeathering sick poultry

- Touching own body or children after touching sick poultry

- Touching feces of sick poultry



Sign-symptoms in humans [People can get fever, cold, coughing, throat ache, and breathing difficulty and may even die if the condition worsens]




- Breathing difficulty

- Fever

- Coughing

- Death

- Cold

- Damage lungs/kidney/liver



  1. aN = Total numbers of interviews with individuals to explore each topic (mentioned in Table 1)
  2. b Frequencies represent number of participants who mentioned at least one of the responses listed in this table