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Table 1 Types of message for ‘happy quit’ program

From: The efficacy of mobile phone-based text message interventions (‘Happy Quit’) for smoking cessation in China

Message type



Invitation message

Describes the ‘happy quit’ program.

If you are an adult smoker intending to quit, please join our free SMS supported quit smoking activity. This program funded by CMB. This approach has been proven to be successful in some countries.

Preparing to quit

Describes steps and ways to take in preparing to quit smoking.

(1) Congratulations!! The hardest part—deciding to quit—is already behind you. Write down all of the reasons why you want to quit.

(2) Before quitting, you should track your smoking; Try to cut down by 25 %, that is from 20 to 15 cigs per day. We’ll check in later.

(3) Time for a Mini-Quit challenge. For the next 4 h, stay away from cigs. Practice dealing with cravings without smoking. We’ll check in 4 h.

Benefits of quitting

Describes the health-related, social and financial benefits of quitting.

(1) Figure out how much money you spend on cigarettes every year. What else can you do with that money?

(2) For healthy and fresh breath, beautiful appearance, please keep on quitting!

(3) There are so many benefits to being smokefree, such as looking well, having fresh breath, a good appetite and being full of energy. Tell your friends what you look forward to most!

(4) Quitting smoking is the only way to stop damage to your body caused by smoking.

Seek for help

Describes seek for help to deal with crave, mood and reasons for quit.

Get more support whenever you need it by texting 7 (CRAVE), 8 (MOOD), 9 (why quit) at any time.

Coping and coping strategies

Describes and encourages the effectiveness and use of cognitive and behavioral strategies to avoid smoking during a craving or impulse to smoke.

(1) Treat every day like your quit day. Pretend like it is the first day without cigarettes and be prepared for temptation.

(2) Don’t let things get you down. Your journey to smoke-free might be a struggle, but looking back will be amazing. Try to relax. Find an activity that is relaxing to you like listening to music, walking or taking a hot bath.

(3) Think positively and find healthy outlets for stress or anger. If something bothers you, learn to relax quickly by taking deep breaths. Take 10 slow, deep breaths and hold the last one. Then breathe out slowly.

Discomfort and difficulties

Discusses discomfort associated with the quitting process and how the participant may see his or her discomfort as normal and how to cope with such discomfort

(1) Cravings become weaker every day that you don’t smoke. It’s harder in the beginning and will get easier with time.

(2) Cravings last less than 5 min on average. Even the strongest cravings will go away after a few minutes. Focus on something else and remind yourself why you are smoke-free.

(3) Drinking a lot of water will fight off cravings and help to keep you hydrated.

(4) Try using sugarless gum, mints, toothpicks, straws or sunflower seeds to help keep your mouth busy.


Offers motivation and support to continue with quitting.

(1) 24 h smokefree! That is a MAJOR milestone! Be sure to reward yourself. Give, say or do something nice for yourself to celebrate your success.

(2) 5 days smokefree! Smoking dulls taste buds. Luckily, your taste buds regenerate after several days without cigarettes. Treat yourself to a nice meal.

(3) We know quitting is tough but stay strong! We all have bad days, and you will get through this. Do whatever to boost your mood-just don’t smoke.


Describes how to prevent slips and the norms of slipping and how to get back on track; Clarifies reasons for quitting and to recommit; and teaches the participant to learn about what didn't work and new strategies

(1) You have come so far. Be careful when you go to a party, game or bar-do not let yourself slip.

(2) You may not always feel as confident as you should and might slip. Keep trying no matter what. It Is possible to quit for your health.

(3) How did you feel just before you smoked? Recommit to complete quitting—cutting down isn’t good enough for you!

(4) Most smokers try to quit 6–7 times before they quit for good. Don’t quit quitting!