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Table 2 Dimensions and indicators of flexicurity

From: What is the impact of flexicurity on the chances of entry into employment for people with low education and activity limitations due to health problems? A comparison of 21 European countries using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Core dimensions



Flexible and reliable contractual arrangements

Employment protection legislation

EPL (general)

EPT (EPL for temporary employees)


Comprehensive lifelong learning strategies

Life-long learning

LLL - Proportion in education and training during the past 4 weeks

Effective labour market policies

Active labour market policy

PES - Expenditure on public employment services standardized to the proportion unemployed

ALMP - Expenditure on ALMP measures (training, job rotation/job sharing, employment incentives, supported employment and rehabilitation, direct job creation and start-up incentives) standardized to the proportion unemployed

ALMPtot – summary of PES and ALMP

Modern social security systems

a. Social security

PLMP - Expenditure on unemployment standardized to the proportion unemployed

Sickben - Expenditure on sickness benefits standardized to the proportion with activity limitations in the age group 45–64 years

PLMP OR Sickben

b. Social services

ExpChild - Expenditure on social services directed at families standardized to the proportion 0–4 years

ExpOld - Expenditure on social services directed at pensioners standardized to the proportion 65+ years

SocExp – summary of ExpChild and ExpOld