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Table 2 Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-15). In the past month: 0 - I did not suffer; 1- I suffered less than 15 days; 2 - I suffered at least for one half of the month

From: Cultural events – does attendance improve health? Evidence from a Polish longitudinal study

1. strong headaches

9. accelerated heartbeat (palpitation)

2. stomach pains or flatulence

10. shivers or convulsions

3. pain or tension in the neck or arm muscles

11. pressure on the bladder and more frequent urination

4. chest or heart pains

12. a feeling tiredness not associated with work

5. dry mouth or throat

13. constipation

6. attacks of excessive sweating

14. nosebleeds

7. shortness of breath

15. sudden changes of blood pressure

8. Pain in your arms, legs or joints (knees, hips, etc.)