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Table 2 Characteristics of ARLD cohort according to whether they had their first recorded diagnosis at an NHS hospital trust which had or did not have an alcohol team in 2009/10

From: The impact of alcohol care teams on emergency secondary care use following a diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease - a national cohort study

Characteristic of ARLD cohort

Alcohol team


Yes (n = 4,768)

No (n = 4,397)

p valuea

Male (%)

3290 (69.0 %)

3057 (69.5 %)


Mean (SD) age (years)

53.6 (12.8)

54.2 (12.7)


Age range (years)




Resident in most deprived quintile of IMD (%)

1983 (41.6 %)

1253 (28.5 %)


White British ethnicityb (%)

358 (7.5 %)

448 (10.2 %)


Died in hospital during one year follow up

1125 (23.6 %)

1020 (23.2 %)


  1. SD standard deviation
  2. aChi squared test for proportions (% male, % in most deprived Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) quintile, % White British & % one-year in-hospital mortality) and t-test for difference in mean age
  3. bEthnicity was unknown for the majority of individuals