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Table 2 Acceptability and acceptance of multiple injections given at a single visit to caregivers and vaccinators

From: The acceptability of three vaccine injections given to infants during a single clinic visit in South Africa

Caregivers (N = 229)

n (%)

Vaccinator (N = 98)

n (%)

Caregivers understanding of immunization


Concern about giving multiple injections


 To protect from disease

133 (58.1)


54 (55.1)

 To keep babies healthy

69 (30.1)

 Not concerned

44 (44.9)

 To prevent epidemics

26 (11.4)

Reason for concerns



1 (0.4)

 Side effects

6 (11.1)


 Crying & pain

32 (59.3)


 Difficulty holding child

2 (3.7)

Caregiver informed about number of injections during vaccination session


 Caregiver not coming back

10 (18.5)


162 (70.7)

 Don’t know enough about why Immunization given

3 (5.6)


67 (29.3)

 Parent objection

1 (1.9)

No. of injections perceived ‘too many’


No. of injections perceived ‘too many’


 <3 injections

20 (8.7)

 <3 injections

2 (2.0)

 ≥3 injections

196 (85.6)

 ≥3 injections

94 (96.0)


13 (5.7)


2 (2.0)

Caregivers knowledge of diseases immunisations prevent


Caregivers of babies (6 weeks old) expressing unhappiness about multiple injections


 Pneumonia (Pnuemococcal or Hib)

3 (1.3)


20 (20.4)

 Diarrhoea (rotavirus)

8 (3.5)


36 (36.7)


28 (12.2)

 Sometimes / Seldom

22 (22.5)


77 (33,6)


12 (12.2)

 Hepatitis B

4 (1.8)


8 (8.2)


6 (2.6)

Caregivers of babies (older than 6 weeks) expressing unhappiness about multiple injections



3 (1.3)


19 (19.4)

 Whooping cough (Pertussis)

11 (4.8)

 Sometimes / Seldom

50 (51.0)


89 (38.9)


29 (29.6)

Satisfaction with injections administered at visit



213 (93.0)



16 (7.0)


Satisfaction with vaccinators at visit


Importance of providing more information to caregivers about immunisations



221 (96.5)

 Very important

97 (99.0)


8 (3.5)

 Somewhat important

1 (1.0)

Preferred number of visits


Frequency of explaining the reasons for multiple injections to caregiver


 One visit for 3 injections

166 (72.3)


54 (55.1)

 More visits for fewer injections each

59 (25.8)


26 (26.5)


4 (1.8)


16 (16.3)

Ever told to come for more visits for less injections



2 (2.1)


35 (15.3)

Advised caregivers to bring child for extra visits for less injections



193 (84.3)

 Always / often

10 (10.2)


1 (0.4)

 Sometimes / seldom

9 (9.2)



79 (80.6)

Caregiver informed about the number of immunization injections infant would receive


Copy of protocol/ guideline seen



162 (70.7)

 Protocol in immunization room

83 (87.4)


67 (29.3)

 Protocol in facility / other room

10 (10.5)

Where were injections given


 No protocol seen

2 (2.1)

 Combination RRL (2 x right thigh & 1 left thigh)

120 (52.4)

Protocol Used


 Combination LLR (2 x left thigh & 1 right thigh)

16 (7.0)


95 (96.9)

 Upper arms

1 (0.4)


3 (3.1)


1 (0.4)


 Can’t remember

1 (0.4)


 Not applicable (no injection given)

64 (28.0)


 <=2 injections

26 (11.4)


Proportion of infants who are up to date for age on immunisations (ie acceptors)



220 (96.1)



7 (3.1)


 Patient held immunisation record not available

2 (0.8)