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Table 1 Operational definition of farm activities

From: A faecal exposure assessment of farm workers in Accra, Ghana: a cross sectional study

Farm activity

Operational definition

Bed preparation

The use of hoe, rake and other farm implements to prepare a plot of ground or the soil (farm bed) for planting seedlings of salad crops.


The removal of seedlings from the nursery to be planted on the newly prepared beds


The use of hands or hand-held knives to remove small weeds that have mixed with the salad crops

“Forking” (soil tilling)

The use of hand-held knife/fork to turn over the soil to allow air flow. This activity is often done alongside weeding.


The use of watering cans or water hose to apply water to the salad crops.

Manure application

Application of chicken manure with or without the use of protective clothing such as hand gloves