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Table 5 Proportion of parents engaging in support behaviour, by type

From: The impact of different types of parental support behaviours on child physical activity, healthy eating, and screen time: a cross-sectional study






Physical Activity

(n = 2,237)

• 86.2 % encourage child to walk or cycle to places (e.g., friend’s houses, school) if they are reasonably close

• 90.9 % encourage child to use resources in community to be active (e.g., parks)

• 97.2 % encourage child to be active outdoors with friends and family

• 82.1 % enroll child in sports teams, clubs, or community-based programs where they can be active (e.g., Boys & Girls club, YMCA)

• 93.7 % take child to places where they can be active


• 80.5 % take part in physical activities with child

• 87.0 % watch child play sports or do other activities (e.g., martial arts, dance)

Healthy Eating

(n = 2,288)

• 85.7 % encourage child to help choose and prepare snacks and meals

• 98.5 % encourage child to eat breakfast

• 87.5 % serve raw vegetables and/or fruit for snacks between meals


• 34.3 % eat meals prepared or purchased at fast food restaurants with child

• 83.8 % eat meals as a family away from the TV

Screen Time

(n = 2,248)

• 86.2 % encourage child to limit their screen time during leisure time


• 78.5 % enforce rules about child’s screen time

• 79.9 % watch TV together as a family