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Table 1 Centrality, connectivity, value, and trust scores for individual organizations in the HIPMC coalition

From: Partnership capacity for community health improvement plan implementation: findings from a social network analysis

  1. Note: Highlighted cells represent scores in the top quartile for each column measure
  2. Definitions of Terms Used in Table
  3. Degree Centrality: number of connections to other members of the network
  4. Non-redundant ties: number of non-redundant ties in relation to the other members that each organization is connected to
  5. Closeness Centrality: Measures how far each member is from other members of the network in terms of # of links between each member. A high score (close to 1) indicates members who have the shortest ‘distance’ between all other members
  6. Relative Connectivity: Based on measures of value, trust, and # of connections to others, the connectivity score indicates the level of benefit an organization receives as a network member, in relation to the member with the highest level of benefit (100 %)
  7. Overall Value: Average of the ranking given by all other members for that organization along three dimensions: authority, influence, and impact. (Scale of 1–4)
  8. Total Trust: Average of the ranking given by all other members for that organization along three dimensions: reliability, support of mission, and open to discussion. (Scale of 1–4)