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Table 1 Search strings used to identify English-language reviews describing drivers of five food-related population health issues

From: Food, health, and complexity: towards a conceptual understanding to guide collaborative public health action

Food-related population health issue

Search conducted


(system OR complexity OR model OR driver OR influence OR determinant OR “risk factor”) AND (weight OR obes* OR (food AND (neighborhood OR neighbourhood)) OR “food environment” OR “nutrition environment” OR “food retail” OR “food desert” OR “food store” OR “food access”)

Food allergy

(system OR complexity OR model OR driver OR influence OR determinant OR “risk factor”) AND ((food AND allerg*) OR (food AND anaphylaxis))

Infectious foodborne illness

(system OR complexity OR model OR driver OR influence OR determinant OR “risk factor”) AND (“food safety” OR “foodborne disease” OR “food-borne disease” OR “foodborne illness” OR “food-borne illness” OR “food poisoning” OR (food AND pathogen) OR (food AND infection))

Food insecurity

(system OR complexity OR model OR driver OR influence OR determinant OR “risk factor”) AND (“food security” OR “food insecurity” OR “food system” OR hunger OR “food deprivation” OR “food affordability” OR “food unaffordability” OR “food accessibility” OR “food inaccessibility” OR “food sufficiency” OR “food insufficiency” OR “food access” OR “food poverty”)

Dietary contaminantsa

(system OR complexity OR model OR driver OR influence OR determinant OR “risk factor”) AND ((food AND toxin) OR (diet AND toxin) OR (food AND toxicant) OR (diet AND toxicant) OR (food AND pollutant) OR (diet AND pollutant) OR (food AND contaminant) OR (diet AND contaminant) OR (food AND metal*) OR (diet AND metal*) OR (food AND chemical*) OR (diet AND chemical*) OR (food AND (PAH OR “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon”)) OR (diet AND (PAH OR “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon”)) OR (food AND (POP OR “persistent organic pollutant”)) OR (diet AND (POP OR “persistent organic pollutant”)) OR (food AND (EDC OR “endocrine disrupting chemical”)) OR (diet AND (EDC OR “endocrine disrupting chemical”)) OR (food AND mercury) OR (diet AND mercury) OR (food AND cadmium) OR (diet AND cadmium))

  1. *This symbol indicates that the truncation search feature was used in order to capture all variations of this search term
  2. aSearch terms were included to yield a cross-section of key dietary contaminants within environmental public health