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Table 2 Evaluation Results from the British Columbia Harm Reduction Programme: lessons learnt, evidence of progress and opportunities for improvement, 2011–2014

From: Peer engagement in harm reduction strategies and services: a critical case study and evaluation framework from British Columbia, Canada


Lessons Learnt

Evidence of progress

Opportunities for improvement


Supportive environment

(How were barriers and facilitators to engaging addressed?

Community Building activities

• Reported feelings of exclusion among peers

• Lack of trust or legitimacy built early on members and other peers

• Introduced various team-building activities and ice breakers to build trust & openness

• Included Aboriginal opening and closing ceremonies, and pre-meeting dinner social

Form peer advisory group that is engaged with HRSS committee throughout the year

Planning in advance

• Peers unaware of role and expectations; some informed of meeting with too short of notice

• Invited multiple peers at least six weeks in advance

• Arrangements provided for transportation, accommodation, local support (i.e. methadone)

Develop list/map of commonly accessed resources in host community

Structure of Schedule

• Lack of opportunity to develop rapport and trust with committee

• Inconsistency of information

• Agenda modified based on feedback provided by peers before, during and after meeting

• Meeting agenda more flexible with less content

Develop agenda together (i.e. with peers and committee)


Equitable participation

(How were experiences represented and respected?)

Representativeness at the table

• Unequal representation from health authorities due to staffing issues or lack of commitment from region

• Shifted to inviting two peers per health region

• Caravan project traveled to rural regions to meet peers “where they’re at”

Form peer advisory group engaged with BCHRSS throughout the year

Power Dynamics; Distribution of voices

• Inequitable distribution of power among peer groups and across

• Provided peers with cash stipend based on wage

• Extra attention paid to distribution of power, people at the table, voices being heard

• Discussions captured on flipchart so peers could see their voices being heard and respected

• Shorter duration of roundtable updates allowed time and space for peers to voice their concerns

Consider options for peers to communicate their thoughts in non-verbal ways or in smaller groups; routine check-ins with peers during breaks

Flexible Facilitation

• Heterogeneous representation of peers at the table

• Rural/remote regions need attention

• Attention paid to the attitudes during activities; able to adapt based on energy/positivity in room

• Kept discussion positive and solutions-based

Ongoing need for strong but flexible facilitator


Capacity building & empowerment

(How did capacity increase over time and how was it built on?)

Community Building

• Lack of opportunities initiated outside the BCHRSS meetings

• Staffing issues remain a problem

• Peer engagement activities supported financially through funds offered in each health authority

• Beginning of peer-based harm reduction supply distribution & education

Develop sustained, ongoing funding mechanism e.g. for work contracted to peer organizations

Social Capital; skills &ability; confidence

• Inability to build on existing capacity within communities

• Peers create EIDGE group with illicit alcohol users

• Peer groups organize around key issues: social housing, anti-harm reduction by-laws, methadone formulation change

Social capital is strongest in urban peer groups; knowledge transfer needed with rural peer groups

Enhanced Peer networks

• Efforts fragmented across province

• Some drug user organizations dissolved due to lack of support

• Peer network in BC grows via BCHRSS meetings, HR activities; opportunities for growing peer-run orgs

Build organizational capacity to increase autonomy from any group of peers


Improved policy & programming

(How engagement impact programming and policy?)

Improved harm reduction programming

• Identified inconsistent access to harm reduction supplies

• Lack of capacity building and training for peer workers, service providers and decision makers

• The Caravan Project

• Expanded range of supplies to include safer inhalation supplies

• Introduced BC Take Home Naloxone program

• Developed specialized harm reduction trainings; posted training manual online

• Introduced annual harm reduction client survey

Budget and other organizational constraints limit the expansion of comprehensive harm reduction services – (frustrating for peers)

Improved policies

• Lack of peer engagement at other tables outside BCHRSS

• Lack of best practices on best ways to engage peers

• Developed one-page guidelines for providers on inviting peers to meetings

• Peer engagement literature review (Ti et al., 2012 [7])

• Improved documentation and dissemination of HRSS policies and research for lay audiences

Develop best practice guidelines for services to meaningfully engage peers


• No formal process or evaluation of peer engagement in BC

• Inconsistent effort to implement processes, sustain initiatives

• Obtained financial support for peer engagement research in BC

• Presented results and reports on peer engagement to stakeholders across the province

Evaluate best practice guidelines to ensure acceptability in different contexts (regions, populations)