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Table 2 Example measures of childhood physiological, emotional, and behavioral regulation a ages 2, 4, 5, 7, and 10 years old

From: Rationale, design and methods for the RIGHT Track Health Study: pathways from childhood self-regulation to cardiovascular risk in adolescence


Example Measures

Example Variables



Physiological regulation

Lab-TAB Emotion-eliciting Tasks (i.e., Transparent Box, Puzzle Box), Continuous Performace Test (CPT), Tower Of Hanoi

RSA, RSA change, mean heart period, mean heart rate


Goldsmith, Reilly, Lemery, Longley, & Prescott (1993)

Goldsmith & Rothbart (2010)

Eisenberg et al. (2001)

Connors (1994)

Simon (1975)

Emotional regulation

Child Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ), Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC), Lab-TAB Emotion-eliciting Tasks (i.e., Transparent Box, Puzzle Box, toy play/barrier task, perfect circle task), Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL), The Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC), Child Depression Inventory (CDI), Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC)

Negative affectivity, emotion regulation, distraction, help-seeking, venting, anger, fear, soothability, self-comforting, management of negative affect, depressive symptoms, symptoms of anxiety

Mother and father, Teacher, Observed

Putnam & Rothbart (2006)

Shields & Cicchetti (1997)

See above for Lab-TAB citations

Achenbach & Rescorla (2001)

Reynolds & Kamphaus (2004)

Kovacs (1992)

Shaffer, Fisher, & Lucas (1997)

Behavioral regulation

Snack Delay, Stroop Task, CPT, CBQ, naturalistic interaction, AD/HD Rating Scale-IV, Disruptive Behaviors Rating Scale

impulsivity, (dis)inhibition, compliance with instructions, defiance, self-distraction, persistence, approach

Observed, Mother and father

Kochanska., Murray, & Coy (1997)

DuPaul, Anastopoulos, Power, Murphy, & Barkley (1994)

Anastopoulos (1992)

See above for CPT, CBQ citations