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Table 1 Factors, survey items, factor loading and percentage of variance

From: Understanding help-seeking intentions in male military cadets: An application of perceptual mapping

Factor and Items

Factor Loading

% Variance

Factor 1: Self-reliance


35.9 %

It would seem weak to ask for help



Asking for help is surrendering authority over my life



I feel better about self knowing I didn’t need help



I like to be in charge of everything in my life



I think less of myself for needing help



Nobody knows about my problems



I do not want to appear weaker than my peers



I like to make my own decisions and not be influenced by others.



Don’t like people telling me what to do



Factor 2: Resignation


9.4 %

I’d prefer to suck it up rather than dwell on my problems



Problems like this are a part of life; they’re just something you have to deal with



I’d prefer to wait until I’m sure the health problem is a serious one



The problem wouldn’t be a big deal; it would go away in time



I wouldn’t want to overreact to a problem that wasn’t serious



The problem wouldn’t seem worth getting help for



Factor 3: Privacy


7.3 %

I don’t want some stranger touching me in ways I’m not comfortable with



I don’t like taking my clothes off in front of people



I wouldn’t want someone of the same sex touching my body



Sharing personal medical information is embarrassing



I don’t like feeling controlled by others



Factor 4: Emotional Control


5.9 %

I’d rather not show people what I’m feeling.



I don’t like to get emotional about things.



I don’t like to talk about feelings.



I wouldn’t want to look stupid for not knowing how to figure this problem out.



Privacy is important to me, and I don’t want other people to know about my problems



Factor 5: Structural Barriers to Help-Seeking


5.6 %

I wouldn’t know what sort of help was available



I would have real difficulty finding transportation to a place I can get help



Financial difficulties would be an obstacle to getting help



A lack of health insurance would prevent me from asking for help



People typically expect something in return when they provide help



I don’t trust doctors and other health professionals





64.1 %