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Table 8 Results of included quantitative studies: child’s nutrient intakes (and other dietary outcomes)

From: A systematic review of the health and well-being impacts of school gardening: synthesis of quantitative and qualitative evidence

First author (year)

Sample (n)

Outcome measures


Intervention group

Comparison group

Control group

Group x time results (adjusted, if reported)


Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)


Mean (SD)

Christian (2014) (1) [9]

n = 1256†

CADET (115 items)

Energy (kcal/day)

Protein (g/day)

Carbohydrates (g/day)

Fibre (g/day)

Total fat (g/day)

Total sugars (g/day)

Iron (μg/day)

Sodium (mg/day)

Folate (μg/day)

Carotene (mg/day)

Vitamin C (mg/day)

2034 (39.4)a

75 (1.8)a

265 (4.4)a

13 (0.3)a

82 (2.3)a

132 (2.9)a

11 (0.2)a

2632 (76.3)a

227 (5.3)a

1956 (98.8)a

108 (3.7)a

1520 (178.2)a

58 (7.1)a

186 (21.5)a

10 (1.3)a

65 (8.2)a

90 (10.5)a

8 (1.0)a

2272 (286)a

169 (19.7)a

1995 (864)a

113 (31.7)a

1993 (34.1)a

73 (1.5)a

267 (4.3)a

13 (0.3)a

78 (1.7)a

134 (2.6)a

11 (0.2)a

2572 (57.6)a

224 (4.5)a

2352 (101.7)a

105 (3.5)a

1567 (168.4)a

64 (6.7)a

193 (20.6)a

11 (1.3)a

64 (7.7)a

99 (10.0)a

8 (0.9)a

2257 (267.7)a

180 (18.6)a

2164 (878)a

125 (31)a



MD = −46-; p = 0.6

MD = −6; p = 0.2

MD = −7; p = 0.5

MD = −1; p = 0.1

MD = 1; p = 0.8

MD = −8; p = 0.1

MD = −0.4; p = 0.5

MD = 16; p = 0.9

MD = −11; p = 0.3

MD = 168; p = 0.5

MD = 13; p = 0.02

Christian (2014) (2) [10] Trial 1; n = 1138†

Christian (2014) (2) [10] Trial 2; n = 1391

CADET (115 items)

Total energy (kcal/day)

Fat (g/day)

Sodium (mg/day)

Total sugars (g/day)

Carotene (μg/day)

Vitamin C (mg/day)

Iron (μg/day)

Fibre (g/day)

Carbohydrates (g/day)

Folate (μg/day)

Protein (g/day)

2039 (32.7)

82 (18.0)

2742 (58.4)

133 (2.3)

2024 (74.9)

118 (3.2)

11 (0.2)

13 (0.3)

267 (4.0)

235 (4.5)

75 (1.4)

1845 (172)

76 (7.9)

2621 (259)

108 (11.4)

1841 (299)

75 (30.2)

10 (0.9)

12 (1.2)

227 (21.7)

192 (18.9)

70 (6.5)



1932 (32.8)

78 (2.0)

2575 (64.2)

127 (2.4)

2089 (83.9)

118 (3.2)

11 (0.2)

12 (0.2)

254 (3.6)

220 (4.3)

69 (1.4)

1836 (170)

77 (7.9)

2656 (257)

107 (11.3)

2168 (329)

73 (30)

10 (0.9)

11 (1.2)

225 (21.6)

188 (18.8)

68 (6.4)

MD = 9; p = 0.9

MD = −1; p = 0.8

MD = −34; p = 0.8

MD = 1; p = 0.8

MD = −327; p = 0.2

MD = 2; p = 0.7

MD = 0.1; p = 0.8

MD = 0.3; p = 0.6

MD = 2; p = 0.8

MD = 4; p = 0.6

MD = 2; p = 0.6

Cotter (2013) [22]

 n = 155

24 h urine samples; flame photometry

Estimated salt intake


7.5 (2.4)

6.4 (2.2)

8.1 (3.0)

7.5 (3.0)

7.7 (2.0)

7.4 (3.0)


Davis (2011) [28]

n = 104

Block Food Screener (41 items)

Energy (kcal/day)

Protein (g/day)

Fat (g/day)

Carbohydrates (g/day)

Added sugar (tsp/day)

Dietary fibre (g/day)

Meat (servings/day)

Dairy (servings/day)

Whole grains (oz/day)

2011.0 (1410.4)

85.4 (67.7)

79.8 (67.6)

244.2 (145.7)

11.8 (10.2)

16.1 (11.5)

2.1 (2.4)

2.1 (1.3)

0.8 (0.9)

1639.5 (1046.5)

65.1 (43.0)

62.6 (49.6)

211.3 (122.3)

9.9 (9.4)

16.1 (8.6)

2.8 (2.5)

1.7 (1.2)

0.9 (0.7)



1961.0 (1077.5)

81.6 (49.0)

73.3 (52.4)

252.2 (119.6)

11.5 (7.6)

18.7 (10.3)

2.0 (1.7)

2.1 (1.1)

0.7 (0.7)

1535.2 (902.9)

58.3 (38.3)

57.8 (41.4)

202.8 (109.1)

11.2 (9.7)

13.3 (7.5)

2.5 (3.4)

1.7 (1.0)

0.6 (0.6)

p = 0.85

p = 0.59

p = 0.92

p = 0.94

p = 0.15

p = 0.01

p = 0.68

p = 0.97

p = 0.13

Gibbs (2013) [26]

n = 764

Parent questionnaire

No sweet drinks (%)







OR = 1.33 (0.70 to 2.5); p = 0.38

McAleese (2007) [16]

n = 122

24 h recall x 3 (workbook)

Vitamin A (μg/day RAE)

Vitamin C (mg/day)

Fibre (g/day)

430.4 (244.1)

58.2 (62.2)

12.7 (4.6)

612.4 (359.6)

143.4 (144.5)

16.9 (7.4)

428.5 (247.9)

47.5 (48.5)

10.7 (5.2)

358.8 (273.3)

60.8 (126.6)

9.9 (5.0)

621.4 (294.1)

83.1 (115.6)

15.3 (6.0)

549.5 (248.9)

76.2 (129.5)

12.6 (8.0)

F = 5.86; p = 0.004

F = 4.31; p = 0.016

F = 8.21; p = 0.001

  1. SD standard deviation (or standard error wherea), MD mean difference, OR odds ratio, F F statistic from ANOVA
  2. †same study but different sample sizes reported
  3. No meta-analysis for due to baseline differences in vitamin C intake (McAleese, [16]/Christian, [10]) and lack of accounting for possible clustering effects (McAleese, [16])