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Table 4 Summary of findings

From: The role of micro health insurance in providing financial risk protection in developing countries- a systematic review

Outcome (measure of financial protection)

Relative effect

Number of studies and participants

Quality of evidence (Quality score)


Reduction in OOP expenditure

Not estimable

13 studies

Moderate quality (Quality score 6.8)

The effect size is not quantifiable as the results in the majority of studies are not presented statistically.

Individuals (or households where individuals count is not available) covered by the study may show the most widely studied outcomes in terms of individuals/households covered. The quality of evidence has been classified as high, moderate and low by taking the average of the individual study scores for the various outcomes (refer to Table 3)

Individuals covered: 202.615 (12 studies)

Households covered: 2974 (1 study)

Reduction in CHE

Not estimable

7 studies

High quality (Quality Score 7.9)

Individuals covered: 82448 (5 studies)

Households covered: 3226 (2 studies)

Reduction in total health expenditures

Not estimable

3 studies

Moderate quality (Quality score 6.8)

Individuals covered: 51599 (3 studies)

Reduction in poverty

Not estimable

2 studies

Moderate quality (Quality score 7.0)

Households covered: 5709 (2 studies)

Improvement in consumption patterns

Not estimable

1 study

Moderate quality (Quality score 7.0)

Individuals covered: 145

Protection of household assets

Not estimable

4 studies

Moderate quality (Quality score 6.8)

Individuals covered: 43499 (3 studies)

Households covered: 890 (1 study)

Protection of household savings

Not estimable

3 studies

High quality (Quality score 8.0)

Individuals covered: 26591 (2 studies)

Households covered: 1312 (1 study)

Reduction in household borrowings

Not estimable

4 studies

Moderate quality (Quality score 7.3)

Individuals covered: 43644(4 studies)

  1. Quality of evidence criteria: score of ≤5 is low; score of ˃5 and ≤7.5 is moderate; and score of ≥7.6 is high