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Table 2 Mean CAMI and RIBS scales scores (with percentile) and proportion of population that agrees with them

From: Attitudes and intended behaviour to mental disorders and associated factors in catalan population, Spain: cross-sectional population-based survey

Scale CAMI

Mean value or proportion (%)

IC 95 %

Mean value (and decile score) for the Authoritarianism subscale

24.9 (66.3)

24.7; 25.1

Proportion of population that agree to the Authoritarianism subscale items

 1. One of the main causes of mental illness is a lack of self-discipline and will-powera


50.7; 55.8

 2. There is something about people with mental illness that makes it easy to tell them from normal peoplea


36.5; 41.4

 3. As soon as a person shows signs of mental disturbance, he should be hospitalizeda


49.6; 54.6

 4. Mental hospitals are an outdated means of treating people with mental illness


19.9; 24.6

 5. People with mental illness are a burden on societya


73.0; 77.2

 6. People with mental illness should not be given any responsibilitya


48.7; 53.7

 7. Anyone with a history of mental problems should be excluded from taking public officea


70.2; 74.7

Mean value (decile) for the Benevolence subscale

27.6 (90.4)

27.5; 27.7

Proportion of population that agree to the Benevolence subscale items

 1. Virtually anyone can become mentally ill


90.9; 93.6

 2. People with mental illness have for too long been the subject of ridicule


72.5; 76.9

 3. We need to adopt a far more tolerant attitude toward people with mental illness in our society


90.4; 93.2

 4. We have a responsibility to provide the best possible care for people with mental illness


92.5; 94.9

 5. People with mental illness don’t deserve our sympathya


94.2; 96.3

 6. Increased spending on mental health services is a waste of moneya


92.6; 95.0

Mean value (decile) for the SCMH subscale

40.2 (78.2)

39.9; 40.5

Proportion of population that agree to the SCMH subscale items

 1. I would not want to live next door to someone who has been mentally illa


69.2; 73.7

 2. No-one has the right to exclude people with mental illness from their neighbourhood


82.3; 85.9

 3. People with mental illness are far less of a danger than most people suppose


59.5; 64.5

 4. Most people who were once patients in a mental hospital can be trusted to take care of other (babysitters, etc.)


41.7; 46.8

 5. The best therapy for many people with mental illness is to be part of a normal community


83.3; 87.0

 6. As far as possible, mental health services should be provided through community based facilities


71.1; 75.6

 7. Residents have nothing to fear from people coming into their neighborhood to obtain mental health services


72.1; 76.6

 8. It is frightening to think of people with mental problems living in residential neighborhoodsa


75.6; 79.7

 9. Locating mental health facilities in a residential area downgrades the neighborhooda


82.6; 86.3

Mean value (decile) for the RIBS subscale

16.4 (76.1)

16.2; 16.6

Proportion of population that agree to the RIBS subscale items

 1. In the future, I would be willing to live with someone with a mental health problem


60.5; 65.3

 2. In the future, I would be willing to work with someone with a mental health problem


70.9; 75.4

 3. In the future, I would be willing to live nearby to someone with a mental health problem


72.4; 76.8

 4. In the future, I would be willing to continue a relationship with a friend who developed a mental health problem


77.9; 82.0

  1. SCMH Support for Community Mental Health care
  2. aThe score of the item was inverted in order to suit with an desirable score