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Table 2 3-level multivariate linear regression model of the adaptation index when it is very hot and humid in summer: fixed part

From: A multilevel analysis to explain self-reported adverse health effects and adaptation to urban heat: a cross-sectional survey in the deprived areas of 9 Canadian cities

Fixed part

M0 a

M00 b

M000 c

M000:1 d

M000:12 e

M000:123 f

Î’ (SE)g,h

Î’ (SE)g,h

Î’ (SE)g,h

Î’ (SE)g,h

Î’ (SE)g,h

Î’ (SE)g,h


−0.026 (0.017)

−0.153 (0.021)****

−0.140 (0.027)****

0.727 (0.088)****

0.724 (0.094)****

0.957 (0.124)****

Addition of individual-level covariables




 18–44 (vs ≥ 65 years)

−0.566 (0.047)****

−0.565 (0.047)****

−0.572 (0.047)****

 45–64 (vs ≥ 65 years)

−0.344 (0.041)****

−0.344 (0.041)****

−0.344 (0.041)****

Perceived need of more infrastructure and services in the neighbourhood of residence to adapt better when it is very hot and humid in summer:


 Yes, in urban planning (vs no)

−0.303 (0.036)****

−0.303 (0.036)****

−0.301 (0.036)****

 Yes, in other areas such as public transport (vs no)

−0.151 (0.052)**

−0.150 (0.052)**

−0.150 (0.051)**

Self-reported adverse health impacts when it is very hot and humid in summer

−0.281 (0.034)****

−0.281 (0.034)****

−0.285 (0.034)****

Face to face with friends a few times a month or more (vs. no)

−0.284 (0.062)****

−0.284 (0.062)****

−0.282 (0.062)****

≥2 caregivers in the last year living in the same neighbourhood but not in the same dwelling (vs <2)

−0.209 (0.039)****

−0.209 (0.039)****

−0.207 (0.039)****

≥2 caregivers in the last year living <80 km from the dwelling but not in the same neighbourhood (vs <2)

−0.186 (0.034)****

−0.186 (0.034)****

−0.181 (0.034)****

Automobile as the primary mode of transportation for local travel within the past year (vs. no)

−0.100 (0.034)**

−0.100 (0.034)**

−0.097 (0.034)**

No physical activity in the last 3 months (vs yes)

0.332 (0.036)****

0.332 (0.036)****

0.334 (0.036)****

≥1 functional disability:


 Often (vs. never)

0.223 (0.048)****

0.223 (0.048)****

0.221 (0.048)****

 Sometimes (vs. never)

0.128 (0.050)**

0.127 (0.050)**

0.125 (0.050)**

Satisfaction with quality of dwelling’s thermal insulation in summer:


 Not centered (continuous)

0.081 (0.016)****


 Centered on the building average (continuous)


0.080 (0.023)****

0.079 (0.023)****

Addition of building-level covariables


By building, average satisfaction with quality of dwelling’s thermal insulation in summer (continuous)


0.081 (0.022)****

0.082 (0.022)****

Addition of da-level covariables


By DA, average duration of residence in the same dwelling (continuous)


−0.028 (0.010)**

By DA, walkability index (continuous)


−0.013 (0.007)*

  1. aM0 = 1-level null model (individuals, I). bM00 = 2-levels null model (I + buildings, B). cM000 = 3-level null model (I + B + DA). dM000:1 = 3-level model with covariables of individual-level. eM000:12 = 3-level model with covariables of individual-level and building-level. fM000:123 = 3-level model with covariables of individual-level, building-level and DA-level. gβ (ES): estimated β coefficient (standard error). h p values: ****: p ≤0.0001; ***: p ≤0.001; **: p ≤0.01; *: p ≤0.05