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Table 2 Knowledge on TB by type of workers (N = 4800)

From: Prevention and control of tuberculosis in workplaces: how knowledgeable are the workers in Bangladesh?

Knowledge variables

Jute mills workers

Garment workers

Steel mills workers

Bidi workers

Flourmills workers


Who can have TB (correct: TB is a disease of both male and female)

140 (17.5)

603 (40.6)

99 (40.2)

559 (38.0)

211 (26.4)

1612 (33.6)

Cause of TB (correct: germs)

16 (2.0)

121 (8.1)

5 (2.0)

52 (3.5)

18 (2.3)

252 (4.4)

Mode of transmission (correct: air borne through sneeze-cough)

309 (38.6)

851 (57.3)

139 (56.5)

706 (48.0)

303 (38.0)

2308 (48.1)

TB transmission prevention method (correct: BCG vaccine/do not spit here and there)

92 (11.5)

221 (14.9)

36 (14.6

141 (9.6)

34 (4.3)

524 (10.9)

Main symptom of PTB (correct: persistent cough of more than 3 weeks duration)

565 (70.5)

1018 (68.6)

191 (77.6)

1132 (77.0)

557 (69.8)

3463 (72.1)

Knowledge about sputum test (correct: sputum test is done at DOTS centre free of cost)

677 (84.5)

1245 (83.8)

215 (87.4)

1347 (91.6)

647 (81.1)

4131 (86.1)

Knowledge about treatment (correct: treatment is done at DOTS centre free of cost)

685 (85.5)

1298 (87.4)

220 (89.4)

1341 (91.2)

672 (84.2)

4216 (87.8)

Knowledge about standard treatment duration (correct: 6 months)

181 (22.6)

659 (44.4)

120 (48.8)

860 (58.5)

265 (33.2)

2085 (43.4)

Rules of taking medicine (correct: in front of health workers)

40 (5.0)

233 (15.7)

49 (19.9)

184 (12.5)

43 (5.4)

549 (11.1)

Knowledge about incomplete treatment (correct: multidrug resistance may occur)

35 (4.4)

119 (8.0)

38 (15.4)

269 (18.3)

63 (7.9)

524 (10.9)

Whether knew about National TB control Programme (NTP) (correct: yes)

447 (55.8)

572 (38.5)

113 (54.1)

1160 (78.9)

401 (50.3)

2713 (56.5)

Mean ‘Knowledge score’a (±SD)

4.1 (±1.9)

4.7 (±2.4)

5.1 (±2.1)

5.3 (±2.0)

4.0 (±2.0)

4.7 (±2.2)

‘Knowledge score’ at or above the mean (≥ 4.7)

2621 (54.6)

  1. Numbers in parentheses indicate percentages
  2. aKnowledge score obtained by assigning one score for each correct answer (range: 0–11)