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Table 1 Program goals, target behaviors, and behavior change techniques

From: The EPIC Kids Study: a randomized family-focused YMCA-based intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes in at-risk youth

Program goals

Target behaviors

Behavior change techniques

Make physical activity an integral and routine part of life

Encourage moderate-to-vigorous physical activity

Goal setting


Manage screen time


Eat a healthy diet (both quality and quantity)

Promote nutrient dense foods with an emphasis on vegetables, legumes, and whole grains

Role modeling by others (especially parents and siblings)


Limit energy-dense foods (especially high sugar, high fat snacks)

Social support


Limit sugar-sweetened beverages

Problem solving


Encourage adequate sleep


Create food and activity environments to insure healthy options and behaviors are the routine, easy choice

Practice proactive food, physical activity, and media parenting

Positive self-talk


Structure the home environment to support healthy choices



Plan ahead for meals (home and restaurants)


Make time for family meals, activities, and media