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Table 2 SF-36 Mental health scores at four and 12 month follow-ups for people who quit or relapsed by 12 month

From: Does deterioration in mental health after smoking cessation predict relapse to smoking?


Quit at 12 months (N = 61)

Relapsed at 12 months (N = 17)

SF-36 Mental health at 4 month follow-up, M (SD)a

76.7 (13.7)

72.7 (19.5)

SF-36 Mental health at 12 month follow-up, M (SD)a

77.1 (15.8)

70.4 (16.3)

  1. aNo significant differences between groups SF-36 scores at 4 or 12 month follow-ups. Mean scores indicated the groups were psychologically healthy at both follow-ups. 28