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Table 2 Participants’ knowledge about polio

From: Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions towards polio immunization among residents of two highly affected regions of Pakistan

Knowledge questions

Correct answer N (%)

Incorrect answer N (%)

The terminology of ‘Poliomyelitis’

608 (79.1)

160 (20.9)

Poliomyelitis is caused by virus

568 (73.9)

200 (26.1)

The concept of infantile paralysis

495 (64.4)

273 (35.6)

Subclinical symptoms of poliomyelitis

460 (59.8)

308 (40.2)

Most persons do not develop symptoms

223 (29)

545 (71)

Lack of immunization is a risk factor

472 (61.4)

296 (38.6)

Travel to polio affected area is also a risk factor

414 (53.9)

354 (46.1)

Polio can be transmitted through direct contact from person to person

300 (39)

468 (61)

Polio can also be transmitted through from contaminated food, water and faeces

476 (61.9)

292 (38.1)

Poliomyelitis is curable

178 (23.1)

590 (76.9)

Repetition of polio vaccine

372 (48.4)

396 (51.6)

Immunization is the most effective way of preventing poliomyelitis

348 (45.3)

420 (54.7)

Polio drops should not be given to children in mild illness

198 (25.7)

570 (74.3)

Poliomyelitis can cause of death of the patient

167 (21.7)

601 (78.2)

The concept of post-polio syndrome

373 (48.5)

395 (51.4)

  1. Note: Knowledge was assessed by giving a score of 1 to correct answer and 0 to wrong answer. The scale measured knowledge from maximum score of 15 to minimum 0. Scores < 9 were taken as poor, ≥ 9 as adequate knowledge of Polio. Mean knowledge score was 7.35 ± 2.54