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Table 1 Search strategy used for Medline via EBSOhost

From: Nonstandard working schedules and health: the systematic search for a comprehensive model

Limits: Human, English language, Booelan search, Abstract

Time-of-day (i.e. shift work) and working time duration and health

 (MH “Work Schedule Tolerance”) OR (MH “Chronobiology Disorders”) OR (MH “Sleep Disorders, Circadian Rhythm+”) OR AB ((Shiftwork) OR (Nightwork) OR (Nightshift) OR (shift* N2 work*) OR (night* N2 work*) OR (night* N2 shift*) OR (Night* N2 schedul*) OR (Shift* N2 system*) OR (Shift* N2 schedul*) OR (Shift* N2 rotat*) OR (Shift* N2 pattern*) OR (Evening N2 work) OR (Evening N2 shift*) OR (Morning N2 work) OR (Morning N2 shift*) OR (irregular* N2 shift*) OR (irregular* N2 work* N2 hour*) OR (irregular* N2 schedule) OR (nonstandard N2 schedul*) OR (Work* N2 time N2 arrangement*) OR (Long N2 work* N2 hour*) OR (hour* N2 long) OR (hour* N2 extend*) OR (Extend* N2 week*) OR (Compress* N2 hour*) OR (Compress* N2 week*) OR (weekend N2 work*) OR (Sleep N2 wake N2 cycle) OR (circadian N2 stress) OR ((circadian N2 rhythm*) AND work))

 AND (MH “Health+”) OR (MH “Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms+”) OR AB ((Health) OR (Occupational N2 health) OR (Illness*) OR (Impairment*) OR (Health N2 outcome*) OR (Disease) OR (Health N2 complaint*) OR (well N2 being))

 AND (MH “Models, Theoretical”) OR (MH “Models, Biological+”) OR (MH “Models, Psychological”) OR AB ((Model*) OR (theor*) OR (construct) OR (framework) OR (mechanism*) OR (pathway*))

Recovery after work and health

 (MH “Relaxation+”) OR (MH “Fatigue+”) OR AB ((Recuperate) OR (Recuperation) OR (Rest) OR (Resting) OR (Recovery) OR (Recovery N2 after N2 work) OR (Recovery N2 from N2 work) OR (unwind*) OR (nonwork) OR (non-work))

 AND (MH “Work+”) OR (MH “Workload”) OR AB ((work* N2 schedul*) OR (Work* N2 time N2 arrangement*) OR (Work* N2 arrangement*) OR (Long N2 work* N2 hour*) OR (hour* N2 long) OR (hour* N2 extend*) OR (Week* N2 work* N2 hour*))

 AND (MH “Models, Theoretical”) OR (MH “Models, Biological+”) OR (MH “Models, Psychological”) OR AB ((Model*) OR (theor*) OR (construct) OR (framework) OR (mechanism*) OR (pathway*))