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Table 1 Barriers that men face in participating in healthy lifestyle group education sessions

From: Opportunities for involving men and families in chronic disease management: a qualitative study from Chiapas, Mexico



Specific explanations

Internal barriers


- Lack of time


Gender roles

- Belief that men have to be strong

- Perception that activities are geared toward women



- Perception of not fitting in; others in the group are older

- Too old to learn


Perception of chronic condition

- Concern that if they found one chronic condition they might find another

- Not inspiring to be with others who have your condition

- Sufficient to go to a clinic visit with the doctor

- Fatalistic view of disease

External barriers


- Conflicting work schedules

- Type of work that does not allow for committing to regular attendance


Health center staffing, programs, and communication with staff

- Health center staffing is limited on weekends when men might be more likely to attend

- Mostly female providers that may inhibit men from participating

- Some health centers do not offer educational sessions

- Under-resourced health centers turn people off from participating

- Communication gap with provider about who may attend