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Table 2 Outcome of disclosure of participants in the Nevirapine Repeat Pregnancy sub-study, Uganda, 2004-2006

From: A cross-sectional study of the magnitude, barriers, and outcomes of HIV status disclosure among women participating in a perinatal HIV transmission study, “the Nevirapine Repeat Pregnancy study”


n (%) N = 85

Received social support

57 (67 %)

Partner decided to test

8 (9 %)

Neglect/separated from partner

7 (8 %)

Loss of monetary support from partner

4 (5 %)

Other negative reactions (violence, stigmatization, confidants telling others)

8 (9 %)

Other outcomesb

11 (13 %)

  1. aOne or more outcomes may be indicated by each participant
  2. b“Other” includes; partner indifferent, partner did not believe her, friends did not believe her, sibling advised her not to tell partner, initially separated bed rooms with partner, friends were encouraged to go for HIV testing as well