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Fig. 2 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 2

From: Spontaneous social distancing in response to a simulated epidemic: a virtual experiment

Fig. 2

Model network (a) compared to the game user interface (b). a shows a part of the square lattice spatial network with the player-controlled susceptible individual (black circle) in the centre. The player’s awareness neighbourhood (outer, dark blue circle, radius 4) contains infected neighbours (red circles) and non-infected neighbours (green circles). Nodes outside this circle contain individuals that are not visible to the player, but which may transmit infection into the player’s awareness neighbourhood. The inner, light blue circle shows the player’s chosen infection radius, ri,t. Here, ri,t = 1.5 and the player will contact 8 neighbours (bold-outlined circles). b shows the same scenario as displayed to the player via the game interface. The player controls the size of the infection radius by making the blue circle larger or smaller. Neighbours remain in fixed locations in the underlying lattice, but are displayed in the game interface as animated figures that move around rapidly. This prevents players from wrongly thinking that they can know the exact location of their infected neighbours and attempting to adjust the circle to exclude those locations

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