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Table 1 A checklist to improve reporting of group-based behaviour-change interventions

From: A checklist to improve reporting of group-based behaviour-change interventions

Reporting elements


Reported: Yes / No

Intervention design

1. Intervention source or development methods

Describes the source (origin) and/or methods used for developing the intervention.


2. General setting

Reports the type of setting where the group sessions were delivered.


3. Venue characteristics

Describes the set up or configuration of the room (or other venue) where the group meetings took place.


4. Total number of group sessions

The total number of group sessions in the program is reported or it is possible for this to be calculated.


5. Length of group sessions

Reports the length of group sessions (average and/or range).


6. Frequency of group sessions

Reports the frequency of group sessions, i.e., how often they were delivered.


7. Duration of the intervention

Reports the duration of the intervention, i.e., over what period of time the group sessions were delivered.


Intervention content

8. Change mechanisms or theories of change

Describes how the intervention was intended to work by identifying change mechanisms or underpinning theories of behaviour change.


9. Change techniques

Describes the techniques used in group sessions to prompt change. These may be derived from the mechanisms or theories of change, and may use established taxonomies of behaviour change.


10. Session content

Describes the content of the sessions in terms of themes or topics covered, i.e., what the sessions were about.


11. Sequencing of sessions

Indicates whether there is a logical (sequential) progression of session content or, alternatively, that the content of all sessions is the same, i.e., a repetitive, or “rolling”, program with no particular start or end point.


12. Participants’ materials

Reports what materials or tools the participants used during and outside the group sessions.


13. Activities during the sessions

Describes what the participants and the facilitators did during group sessions, i.e., what happened during the sessions.


14. Methods for checking fidelity of delivery

Reports methods used to check the fidelity of intervention delivery, i.e., methods used to check if the sessions were delivered as designed.



15. Group composition

Provides information on the composition of the groups in the intervention, i.e., who were the participants in the groups or whether there were any differences in the participants’ characteristics between groups.


16. Methods for group allocation

Describes methods used to allocate the participants to different groups.


17. Continuity of participants’ group membership

Indicates whether there was continuity in participants’ membership in a group throughout the program or if participants could switch between different groups.


18. Group size

Reports the number of participants per group (average and/or range).



19. Number of facilitators

Reports the number of facilitators delivering the sessions, i.e., how many facilitators delivered each of the sessions.


20. Continuity of facilitators’ group assignment

Indicates whether there was continuity in facilitator’s assignment to a group throughout the intervention, i.e., if the same or different facilitator(s) delivered the sessions to each group of participants.


21. Facilitators’ professional background

Reports facilitators’ professional background, status as a non-professional, or relevant qualifications.


22. Facilitators’ personal characteristics

Reports relevant personal characteristics of the facilitators, i.e., who they were in terms of age, gender, ethnic or cultural background, education level, socio-economic status etc.


23. Facilitators’ training in intervention delivery

Reports what training in delivering the intervention the facilitators were provided with.


24. Facilitators’ training in group facilitation

Reports what training in group facilitation methods the facilitators were provided with, i.e., how to work with and facilitate groups.


25. Facilitators’ materials

Reports whether the facilitators were provided with materials and/or written instructions to be used to guide delivery of the sessions.


26. Intended facilitation style

Describes the intended style of, or approach for, the session delivery and group facilitation.