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Table 1 Definition of variables in the analysis

From: Family planning use and fertility desires among women living with HIV in Kenya


Operational definition

Dependent variables


 Used family planning method in last 12 months

Yes = 1 and No = 0

 Desires more children

Yes = 1, No = 0 and Undecided = 2

Key independent variables


 HIV status

Positive = 1 and Negative = 0

 Number of children desired

Average number desired

 Facility type

Health center = 1 and Hospital = 0

 Dual protection in the last 12 months (condom use with another FP method)

Yes = 1 and No = 0

 Timing of next birth

1 to 2 years = 1 and 3 years or more = 2

 Intention regarding last birth

Wanted to be pregnant = 1, Mistimed = 2, and Unwanted = 3

Other independent variables


 Age of respondents

0 = 15-24 years, 1 = 25-34 years, 2 = 35+ years

 Marital status

0 = Married, 1 = Single, and 2 = Divorced/separated/widowed


0 = Primary and below, 1 = Secondary/higher

 Household SESa

0 = Non-poor and 1 = Poor

  1. aHousehold SES was computed using the principal component analysis technique and the items used for computation included ownership of different household items such as television, radio, bicycle and use of different types of sources of fuel for cooking