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Table 1 Description of clinics selected for CVCT implementation, Durban, South Africa, 2013

From: Implementation of couples’ voluntary HIV counseling and testing services in Durban, South Africa


HPP PMMH Parkhome

Gateway clinic

D clinic

H clinic

V clinic

Service area

The HPP PMMH Parkhome is based on the grounds of PMMH Hospital. Participants from HPP research cohorts attend their follow up visits here. This clinic mainly services the V section community.

This clinic is based on the grounds of PMMH Hospital and services the V section community.

This clinic mainly services the D section community.

This clinic mainly services the H section community.

This clinic mainly services the V section community.

Primary service provided

Clinic services are mainly focused on follow-up of participants recruited into the different HPP studies.

Treatment of minor ailments, ANC, ART, VCT, TB screening, immunizations.

Treatment of minor ailments, ANC, ART, VCT, TB screening, immunizations.

Treatment of minor ailments. Immunizations.

Treatment of minor ailments, ANC, ART, VCT, TB screening, immunizations.


Permanent staff consists of ne nurse, one counsellor, one doctor, and one site administrator.

Staff is a compliment of nurses and counsellors. A doctor visits on Mondays for ART provision.

Staff is a compliment of nurses and counsellors.

Staff is a compliment of nurses and counsellors.

Staff is a compliment of nurses and counsellors. A doctor visits on Mondays for ART provision.