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Table 3 Key themes and sub-themes from respondent narratives

From: Meso level influences on long term condition self-management: stakeholder accounts of commonalities and differences across six European countries








Social environmental influences on diabetes self-management







Social inequalities impact on resources for SM





Public stigma and impact of portrayal of behavioural dispositions







Media and the portrayal of stigma







Diabetogenic food environment







Inability of policy to regulate processes and environments related to chronic illness management







Lack of governments capacity to regulate the food supply chain






Growing responsibility of localities stakeholders in a context of financial uncertainty






Challenges associated with the coordination, funding, and implementation of local commissioning of services





Extending the scope of voluntary and community groups and private provider involvement in SMS





Few welfare resources and impact of austerity on local supply and demand for SMS






Bio-medical tendencies and incentives in primary care







Gap between SMS policy and implementation within health services







Inconsistent support for shift in healthcare provision towards better SMS






Prevention/ public health interventions have a role in SMS







Insufficient policy level commitment to implementing SMS policies







Lack of incentives for SMS






Insufficient SMS tools and infrastructure in the health service







Drugs companies interests as barrier to implementing SMS







Professionals interests as barrier to implementing SMS






Growing involvement of patient groups






Financial crisis as an opportunity for changes in the healthcare system






System level crisis as a dominant policy concern




Drug companies providing SMS in the absence of state capacity



