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Table 1 Community Outreach Obesity Prevention Trial: Curriculum learning objectives

From: A randomized, home-based, childhood obesity intervention delivered by patient navigators

Session no.


Learning objectives:


Develop Rapport, Baseline Measurement; Explain 5-2-1-0 and Track Behaviors

1. Create rapport between family and navigator

2. Family will be able to explain the study process and purpose

3. Collect Baseline Data (Baseline measures)

4. Explain 5-2-1-0 concepts

5. Describe reasons for children’s growth patterns

6. Describe your own family health behaviors

7. Demonstrate how to keep track of behaviors and set goals


Nutrition: Focusing on family meals

8. Explain the structure for visits

9. Explain 5-2-1-0 : focus on 5

10. Describe 2 strategies for improving fruit and vegetable consumption

11. Demonstrate rule setting around eating and food choices

12. List a specific family challenge

13. Describe how to keep track of behaviors and set goals


Physical Activity: Introduction

14. Explain “5-2-1-0”: 1 hour or more of physical activity every day

15. Explain “5-2-1-0”: 2 hours or less recreational screen time per day


Being in charge and making changes

16. Describe a parent’s role during meal times

17. Explain concept of food neophobia

18. Describe use of differential attention (praising/ignoring)


Being a good judge of home health

19. Explain “5-2-1-0”: zero sugary drinks every day

20. Explain why a home health assessment is valuable

21. Compare PN and parent home health assessment results


Being focused on choices

22. Explain how to read food labels

23. Describe whole grains, fiber

24. Compare nutritional value of selected foods

25. Explain what lean protein means and what foods contain them

26. Describe low-fat dairy products and how to include in your meal planning


Grocery Store Outing

27. Demonstrate reading food labels

28. Demonstrate comparison shopping and calculate unit pricing

29. Describe ways to buy fruits and vegetables on a limited budget


Cooking Demonstration

30. Describe the method of preparing a new food or recipe(s)

31. List beneficial factors from new recipe(s)

32. Compare this recipes nutritional value to a similar but less nutritious form

33. Demonstrate kitchen skills required to prepare the recipe(s)

34. Plan a meal considering food preferences


Identifying barriers and Staying Motivated

35. Demonstrate exercising while delivering other objectives (walk during session)

36. Describe the common barriers to regular exercise

37. Describe the process of building motivation for physical activity


Creating a healthy home and effective directions

38. Describe how to set a home for success, eliminating food with little nutritious value, putting foods out of site

39. Explain how to give effective directions to your child


Family Support: Promoting healthy body image and discipline

40. Explain how we talk promotes and affects a healthy body image

41. Describe the use of time out and other discipline techniques


Nutrition: Fruits, Vegetables and Portion Control

42. Describe the importance of promoting fruits and vegetables with every meal

43. Explain the value of snacks and nutritional goals

44. Explain how to prepare healthy affordable meals

45. Demonstrate ability to prepare healthy affordable meals


Physical Activity: Overcoming Burnout or Motivating Self or PA

46. Explain what burnout means and how it can be avoided

47. Explain the importance of dealing with changing schedules

48. Describe ways to maintain focus but be flexible


Family Support: Finding support and putting it all together

49. List ways to include other family and friends

50. Demonstrate ability to blend all learned skills


Family Support: Planning Ahead and Problem Solving

51. Describe the home change experience

52. Explain efforts for home change

53. Describe methods to plan ahead for challenges

54. Describe problem solving skills and their use


Final Measures

55. Celebrate Success, Allow for Review and Reflection