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Table 1 Keywords chosen (n = 51)

From: Importance of proximity to resources, social support, transportation and neighborhood security for mobility and social participation in older adults: results from a scoping study

Keywords [strategy: 1 AND 2 AND (3 OR 4)]‡

1. Built environment OR neighbourhood OR neighborhood OR environment* design* OR universal design* OR physical environment OR healthy environment OR living environment OR urban environment* OR suburban environment* OR rural environment* OR public transport* OR alternative transport* OR public transit OR paratransit OR bus OR buses OR urban design OR walkability OR walkable OR pedestrian OR social environment OR community design

2. Elder* OR seniors OR old* adult* OR geriatric OR aged OR ageing OR aging OR older people

3. Community participation OR social participation OR social involvement OR social engagement OR community involvement OR community engagement OR civic participation OR social isolation OR social integration OR social contact* OR social activity* OR social inclusion* OR social interaction* OR solitude OR loneliness OR lonely OR social exclusion*

4. Mobility OR walking OR active transport*

  1. ‡To include all categories of keywords, the search strategy was more complex than presented here and is available upon request to the corresponding author