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Table 1 Definitions of behaviour taxonomy [51] and application to intervention

From: Can physical activity help to maintain cognitive functioning and psychosocial well-being among breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy? A randomised controlled trial: study protocol

Behaviour change technique number and label

Definition of BCT


Summary (use of technique in intervention)

Social support


1. Social support (unspecified)

Advise on, arrange or provide social support or non-contingent praise or reward for the behaviour.

Intervention booklet

Participants received intervention booklets outlining the benefits of walking during treatment, advising them to increase levels of walking and encouraging them to walk with friends and family.

Feedback and monitoring


11. Self-monitoring behaviour

Establish a method for the person to monitor and record the behaviour as part of a behaviour change strategy.

Pedometer, intervention booklet & walking diary

Patients were asked to keep a daily record of the number of steps taken alongside the intensity and duration of their walking

Repetition and substitution


29. Graded tasks

Set easy-to-perform tasks, making them increasingly difficult, but achievable, until behaviour is performed.

Intervention booklet & walking diary

Patients were encouraged to set weekly goals and to gradually increase the number of steps taken week by week. They were asked to challenge themselves with each week but also set realistic/achievable goals whilst taking their chemotherapy schedules into consideration.

Goals and planning


61. Goal setting (behaviour)

Set or agree to set a goal defined in terms of the behaviour to be achieved.

Walking diary

Patients were asked to set specific weekly step count goals stating when and how many steps they intend to take

65. Action planning

Prompt detailed planning of performance of the behaviour (must include at least one of context, frequency, duration and intensity). Context may be environmental (physical or social) or internal (physical, emotional or cognitive).

Walking diary

Patients were encouraged to set weekly plans outlining the amount of walking they intend to do each day of the week. Action plans included the duration, intensity, day of the week and time of day they aim to complete their walking.

Comparison of outcomes


72. Persuasive source

Present verbal or visual communication from a credible source in favour of or against the behaviour.

Intervention booklet & verbally

Each patient was presented with an intervention booklet stating the benefits of walking which were adapted from credible sources. The patients’ consultant also verbally recommended and encouraged patients to participate in the physical activity involved in the study.