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Table 1 Interventions, change targets, concrete techniques and the periods and agent of delivery

From: A national school-based health lifestyles interventions among Chinese children and adolescents against obesity: rationale, design and methodology of a randomized controlled trial in China


Change targets

Concrete techniques

Intervention periods

Agent of delivery

Creating supportive school and family environment

Establish relationships with schools, children and families

Provide necessity exercise facilities and ensure at least one hour exercise time every school day

Whole intervention periods

School manager

Provide information on obesity preventive (through poster, broadcast and website) to students and parents

Project members

Create a good environment for physical activity and health dietary

Create a health school dietary environment: provide boiled water; no sweetened fizzy drinks in class and school shops.

Class teachers and school shop sellers

Regulate school exercise and dietary institution according to national standards

School manager

Health lifestyles educational strategies

Strengthen relationships with schools, children and families

Student health education (lecture, theme class meeting)

30 min/week Six times Two times (60 minutes)

Project members

Increase knowledge

Student health education activities

Health education teacher

Increase social support(school, peer and family)

Parental health education lecture

School doctor

Instruct and promote school physical education

Standardization and rationalization physical education

Design and revise physical education lesson plan according to model plan

Whole intervention periods

Project members

Design and revise physical education activities according to physical activity prescription

School physical education teacher

The monitoring and instruction of obesity related behaviors

Increase awareness of own behavior

Physical activity and dietary behavioral log

Once a week


Strengthen health lifestyle knowledge

Measure weight and height regularly

Once a month

School doctor

Increase self-efficacy for change

Parental monitor (feedback regularly to parents)