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Table 2 Overview of the measurements:

From: Influence of a lifestyle intervention in preschool children on physiological and psychological parameters (Ballabeina): study design of a cluster randomized controlled trial

Anthropometry and body composition

PA, nutritional intake and behaviour, media use, sleep duration


Accelerometers, questionnaires*


Food frequency questionnaire*

Waist and hip circumference


Skinfold thickness (triceps, biceps, subscapular,

Psychosocial health


General health of the child and the family*

Bioelectrical impedance (4-Polar)

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL)*


Signs of Hyperactivity (SDQ)*

Motor ability


Shuttle run test (aerobic fitness)

Cognition tests

Balance platform (static balance)

Attention (KHV-VK)

Balance beam (dynamic balance)

Spatial working memory ability (IDS)

Obstacle course (combination)

  1. * evaluated by a total of two questionnaires (one for lifestyle parameters, general and psychosocial health, one food frequency questionnaire)