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Table 2 Sample of the questionnaires used in the process evaluation of IHHP interventional projects

From: Process evaluation of a community-based program for prevention and control of non-communicable disease in a developing country: The Isfahan Healthy Heart Program, Iran

Project title

The personnel involved in implementing the project

Principal project managers (Please specify the names of all project managers, their workplace and contact number)

Principal project colleagues (Please specify the names of all project managers, their workplace and contact number)

Other individuals involved in project implementation (Please specify the names of all project managers, their workplace and contact number)

Title of the stakeholding organization (Please specify the name of the volunteer in the organization, address and contact number)

Goals and objectives

Primary project goal

Secondary objectives


Title of intervention

1. Project manager

2. Project colleagues

3. Other individuals involved in project implementation

4. Organizations cooperating with the project

5. Goals pursued by intervention

6. Target community

7. Type of intervention

8. Venues of intervention (Please specify all intervention venues, names of volunteers, addresses and contact numbers)

9. Date of starting interventions

10. Date of ending interventions (if applicable)

11. Amount of spent budget (direct and indirect budgets), Source of budget

12. a) Method of education (class, face-to-face, educational materials, gatherings, education via media, etc.)

12. b) Please specify in detail the type and method of implementing your non-educational interventions (if applicable)

13. Challenges confronting the implementation of interventions

14. How do you rate the success of intervention?

15. Given the explanations, has the intervention been modified or totally discontinued?

16. State your degree of satisfaction with this intervention.

17. Do you think this intervention must be continued, modified, or discontinued? State your reasons.

18. Have the goals of your respective intervention been stabilized in the system?

19. How do you assess the future continuity of habits encouraged by your respective intervention?

20. Do you think this intervention can be nationalized? Please state your reasons.