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Table 1 Health access and health seeking behaviour among pulmonary tuberculosis patients (n = 924) in Ethiopia during 2005–2006.

From: Delayed consultation among pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a cross sectional study of 10 DOTS districts of Ethiopia


Frequency (%))

Treatment sought before the first visit at public health facilities:


   No prior treatment

496 (54)

   Holy water

223 (24)

   Private practitioners

117 (13)

   Private drug stores/pharmacies

62 (7)

   Traditional healers

26 (3)

The number of visits made at alternative treatment/provider:



496 (54)


316 (34)


91 (10)


17 (2)


3 (0.3)

Type of public health facilities visited at first consultation:



100 (11)

   Health centres

231 (25)


593 (64)

One way walking time to health facilities:


   ≤ 40 minutes (median)

469 (51)

   > 40 minutes

455 (49)

Who made the decision to visit public health facilities?


   Patients themselves

594 (64)

   Family members

210 (23)

   Health workers (private practitioners)

42 (5)


78 (8)

  1. 1 Volunteer community health workers, neighbours and friends.