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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for adolescent participation in the Loozit® study

From: A randomised controlled trial of a community-based healthy lifestyle program for overweight and obese adolescents: the Loozit®study protocol

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

▪ Age 13.0–16.9 years

▪ Severely obese (i.e. BMI z-scorea>2.5) or if there is a secondary

cause for overweight/obesity

▪ Overweight to moderately obese (i.e. BMI z-scorea range 1.0–2.5)

▪ Intellectual disability, significant medical illness, psychiatric


▪ Home access to a landline telephone

▪ Taking medications that affect weight status

▪ Home access to the internet to receive e-mails or access to a

mobile phone to receive SMS messages

▪ Inability to take part in physical activity sessions

▪ Ability to attend the group program for 7 weeks in the first instance

on the specified daysb

▪ Poor level of spoken English (adolescent or parent/carer)

▪ At least one of the adolescent's parents/carers must be willing to

also participate in the initial 7 parent group sessions

  1. a calculated using Centers for Disease Control growth reference [41]
  2. b The 'G' and 'G +ATC' group programs are run on separate weeknights and therefore potential participants need to be available to attend on either evening, pending randomisation, even though they would only attend once per week