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Table 2 Distribution of daily soy and isoflavone intake in 3956 Japanese females1

From: Relationship between soy and isoflavone intake and periodontal disease: The Freshmen in Dietetic Courses Study II


Mean (SD)

Total energy (kJ)

7709.0 (2320.4)

Total soy product (g)

45.0 (33.8)

Tofu (g)

20.8 (22.0)

Tofu products (g)

3.0 (5.8)

Fermented soybeans (g)

10.2 (13.3)

Boiled soybeans (g)

4.1 (9.4)

Miso (g)

1.7 (5.3)

Miso soup (g)

5.2 (4.6)

Soy protein (g)

4.6 (3.5)

Isoflavone (mg)

26.8 (21.7)

Daidzein (mg)

10.1 (8.2)

Genistein (mg)

16.7 (13.5)

  1. 1Nutrition and food intake was adjusted for total energy intake using the residual method.