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Table 1 Summary of EI control zoning, (based on NSW DPI zoning descriptions).

From: Factors influencing psychological distress during a disease epidemic: Data from Australia's first outbreak of equine influenza

Infection level/risk

Zone colour

Infection level

States/Regions affected

Summary of actions during outbreak



Restricted area: High initial infection

NSW: around Sydney and stretching up North West to include Hunter Valley area

Initially subject to high degrees of control and quarantining. Region of relatively high/dense horse population. Later in outbreak disease rate was so high that disease in this area was left to run its course; quarantine was lifted and movement restrictions within the zone were relaxed.



Restricted area: High risk of disease

NSW: largely around purple zone, and South East Qld.

Very high levels of movement control and restriction were maintained throughout, infected areas were quarantined, and high levels of disease monitoring were maintained.



Restricted area: Buffer zones

NSW, Qld.

High levels of movement control and monitoring were in place throughout outbreak. Control and containment using vaccination was initiated in these zones first.



Protected Area: Uninfected in NSW/Qld

NSW, Qld.

High levels of movement control and vigilance were in place throughout, although there was no infection detected.




Vic., ACT, Tas., NT, SA, WA.

Initial movement standstill, general surveillance throughout outbreak and increasing easing of movement controls within and between States over time.