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Table 1 Operational definition and categorization of the variables used in the analysis

From: Determinants of neonatal mortality in Indonesia




Cluster type

Type of the cluster (1=urban; 2=rural)


Region (1=Bali/South Sulawesi/Jambi; 2=Sumatera, excluding Jambi;

3=DKI Jakarta/West Java/Banten; 4=Central Java/DI Yogyakarta;

5=East Java; 6=NTB/NTT; 7=Kalimantan,

8=North, Central and Southeast Sulawesi and Gorontalo combined

Mean maternal education in the cluster

Mean maternal years of schooling in the cluster

Mean paternal education in the cluster

Mean paternal years of schooling in the cluster

Mean household wealth index in the cluster

Mean household wealth index for the cluster

Mean number of antenatal care visits in the cluster

Mean number of antenatal care visits in the cluster

(only for the most recent birth before the survey)

Percentage of newborns receiving postnatal care in the cluster

Percentage of neonates in the cluster who received postnatal care

(only for the most recent birth before the survey)

Percentage of deliveries assisted by trained birth attendants in the cluster

Percentage of births in the cluster assisted by trained birth attendants

(1=<25 per cent; 2=25 per cent-49 per cent;

3=50 per cent-74 per cent; 4=75 per cent-87.4 per cent;

5=≥ 87.5 per cent)


Maternal marital status

Marital status of the mother (1=currently married; 2=formerly married)

Maternal religion

Maternal religion (1=Moslem; 2=Christian; 3=other)

Maternal education

Maternal years of schooling (as continuous variable)

Paternal education

Paternal years of schooling (as continuous variable)

Parental occupation

Maternal and paternal employment status

(1=mother without a job outside the home and father employed;

2=mother and father employed;

3=father unemployed)

Paternal age when married

Paternal age when married (as a continuous variable)

Household wealth index

Composite index of household amenities (as continuous variable)


Maternal age at childbirth

Maternal age at childbirth (as continuous variable)


Sex of the neonate (1=female; 2=male)

Birth weight

Birth weight of the neonate (1=2500–3500 grams;

2=<2500 grams; 3=>3500 grams; 4=not weighed)

Birth size

Subjective assessment of the respondent on the birth size

(1=average; 2=smaller than average; 3=larger than average)

Birth rank and birth interval

Birth rank and birth interval of neonate

(1=2nd or 3rd birth rank, birth interval >2 years;

2=1st birth rank; 3=2nd or 3rd birth rank, birth interval ≤ 2 years;

4=≥ 4th birth rank, birth interval >2 years; 5=≥ 4thbirth rank,

birth interval ≤ 2 years)

Desire for pregnancy

Intention to become pregnant

(1=wanted then; 2=wanted later;

3=wanted no more)

Delivery assistance

Birth attendance during delivery (1=health professional;

2=traditional birth attendant/other)

Delivery complications

Complications during delivery (1=none; 2=prolonged labour; 3=other)

Mode of delivery

Mode of delivery (1 = non-Caesarean section; 2 = Caesarean section)

Place of delivery

Place of delivery (1 = home; 2 = health facility)

Postnatal care

Postnatal service received by the neonate (1 = no; 2 = yes)