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Table 2 Reasons for seeking help.

From: Does a self-referral counselling program reach doctors in need of help? A comparison with the general Norwegian doctor workforce

Weighty reasons for helpseeking (>2 on a scale from 0–4)

Total % (95% CI) n = 224

Men/Women % (95% CI) n = 108/116


Health and life quality

68 (62–74)

67 (58–76)/69 (60–77)



61 (55–68)

52 (42-–61)/69 (60–77)

P = 0.01

Private relations

56 (49–62)

65 (56–74)/48 (39–57)

p < 0.05

Work-related conditions

44 (38–51)

41 (31–50)/46 (37–55)


Professional identity

28 (22–34)

25 (17–33)/31 (23–39)


  1. Proportions of doctors presenting each of the following reasons as a weighty reason for coming to Villa Sana. (Each doctor can present one or more reasons).